Blog | St. Francisville Animal Hospital - Part 11

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Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

January 25, 2023

Cats are an interesting animal, and you might have wondered what are cats whiskers for. Let’s explore cat whiskers and what they do for cats. What Are Whiskers For? Cat whiskers are a special kind of hair found on the face, chin, and around cats’ eyes. They are much thicker,... View Article

Important Features for Winter Dog Houses

January 19, 2023

They are our four-legged friends, and they look to us and rely on us for food, water, care, comfort, companionship, and shelter. For dog owners, that means understanding your dog house needs for winter months and comfort. So, what makes for the best dog house for winter and its harsh... View Article

Keeping Your Pet Safe in the Winter

January 5, 2023

Every pet owner wants to keep their pets safe from danger and ensure they are healthy and happy. With the coming cold, you are no doubt concerned about how to keep your pet warm in winter. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you have to keep your pet inside until... View Article

Mystery Solved: Why Grapes are Toxic to Dogs

January 4, 2023

If you are a dog owner, you have probably heard warnings about feeding dogs grapes. It is a well-known fact that dogs shouldn’t eat grapes, but have you ever wondered why can’t dogs eat grapes? Most people are not aware why, but if you ask any veterinarian, “Are grapes poisonous... View Article

Can My Dog Eat Cookies?

December 28, 2022

We all know it is less-than-perfect table etiquette to sneak scraps to our faithful little friends. If you have ever owned and loved a puppy, though, you know how impossible it is to resist those big round sad begging eyes. So the real question during this time of year isn’t... View Article
