Protect Your Pet from Insect-Borne Illnesses

Protect Your Pet from Insect-Borne Illnesses

July 16, 2020

A common misconception among pet owners is that insect-borne illnesses are only a concern during the summer. In fact, insects that spread harmful and even deadly diseases are active year-round, especially with Louisiana’s temperate, humid climate. As a premier, trusted animal hospital in Saint Francisville, LA, we see our fair share of patients experiencing insect-borne illnesses that could have easily been prevented.

Mosquitoes and ticks

Even many indoor pets spend time outside, whether it’s on walks or napping in yards. Also, insects can find their way into your home and bite you or one of your furry family members. As a well-established animal hospital in Saint Francisville, LA, we’ve seen that the most common culprits for insect-borne illnesses are mosquitoes and ticks. These pests are more than a nuisance—they are incredibly harmful if the necessary precautions are skipped.

A mosquito bite can transmit heartworm disease, West Nile virus and Eastern equine encephalitis. Ticks are known for spreading Lyme disease, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These illnesses vary depending on where you live, so do your research. The same is true if your pets travel with you to different climates or areas of the country.


These pesky parasites are also a year-round concern for pet owners, particularly in humid climates. While they do not cause internal problems, you should take the necessary steps to protect your dogs and cats from fleas. Not only is an infestation incredibly aggravating for a pet, but fleas can potentially get you and your human family members very sick.

Additionally, they cause flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) in animals, and research indicates that 50 percent of the dermatological cases they treat are caused by these parasites. In some instances, fleas may also be a host for tapeworms, which can infect both the pets and people that live in your home.

How you can prevent insect-borne illnesses

Especially during the summer, it can feel like there are insects everywhere, so protecting your two-legged and four-legged family members might seem like an insurmountable task. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent these insect-borne illnesses:

  • Administer preventative flea and tick treatment to each pet throughout the year.
  • Check pets daily for ticks, fleas, other parasites or bite wounds.
  • Avoiding walking pets through heavily wooded areas or patches of tall grass and other plants.
  • Regularly groom pets.
  • Remove pet feces from yards, gardens, litter boxes and other places as often as possible.
  • When you come inside after spending time outdoors, wash your hands before petting your dog or cat.

If you’ve found a tick or you notice fleas on your pet, get in touch with your preferred animal hospital in Saint Francisville, LA. It’s crucial to address bites, infestations or symptoms of zoonotic disease as soon as possible.

For 36 years, families have brought their beloved pets to St. Francisville Animal Hospital when a problem with parasites or insects happens. Our team of veterinarians and vet technicians offers the full range of services, and is equipped to handle everything from vaccinations to emergency services. Our staff sees patients in our office, but also makes house calls. Make an appointment today.

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