Training Tips for Your New Dog
July 7, 2021
Congratulations on adopting a new dog! Whether it’s your first dog or your 15th, and whether it’s a tiny puppy or a senior dog, there are some great training tips that will make their adjustment easier. Welcoming a new member of your household is bound to come with some bumps and quirks, but when you follow these training tips, you’re guaranteed to have a great time. Here’s how to train your new dog:
- Decide on the house rules before they come home: Discuss with the adult household members what you’d like to accomplish before your dog ever sets foot inside the home. Some people are okay with their dogs on the furniture and beds, while some aren’t. Some want to crate train their dogs, while others think that’s inappropriate. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s decided upon so you can apply consistent training and discipline.
- Pick an easy name: What’s in a name? Your dog doesn’t care what you name them, but names with a strong consonant sound at the end are more likely to make your dog’s ears perk up when called. “Jack” and “Killer” are good examples. If your dog already has a name, don’t worry if you don’t love it or it doesn’t seem to fit—they are very adaptable and will learn quickly, especially if there are treats involved.
- Set them up in a private space: Moving to a new home can be stressful, so set your dog up in a quiet, private room, especially if you have young children and other pets. This will allow them to hang out on their own terms.
- Give them everything they need to relax: Hot water bottles and ticking clocks can help your dog relax in their new space—it will remind them of their litter mates.
- Learn to train them on their time: Train your dog in the moment—otherwise they’ll forget what they did, and won’t understand what you’re trying to do. If they misbehave, make it into an immediate training opportunity.
- Teach them to come when called: Get down on your dog’s level and call them by name. When they come over, get excited and give them a treat right away. They’ll associate the reward with the behavior.
- Discourage jumping immediately: Jumping is an annoying and potentially dangerous behavior, especially if you have a big dog. Don’t reprimand them—simply turn your back on them until they stop. Then give them positive reinforcement when they behave.
- Biting and nipping are out: If your dog bites or nips you, play up your pain right away. A loud, sharp yell will usually discourage them. You can also trade chew toys for whatever they’re trying to chomp on.
- End training sessions positively: Finally, try to end your training sessions on a positive note. Give them a treat, some praise or a few minutes of petting or play to ensure they get the right message.
If your dog is challenging you, you can always ask the veterinarians at St. Francisville Animal Hospital for more training tips. Call today for an appointment.
Categorised in: Puppy Training