Throughout the pandemic, many people, including pet owners, took up new hobbies and interests to get through the downtime created by social distancing guidelines. From baking to crafting, painting to cleaning, people found creative and productive ways to spend their time at home. Unfortunately, as pet owners began to explore... View Article
Like humans, dogs can feel plenty of fear and anxiety. Helping your fearful dog feel secure is one of your most important tasks as an owner—otherwise, it can manifest in aggressive behavior, nervous tics and other unwanted issues. Why are dogs fearful? Some are coming from previously abusive situations, which... View Article
Congratulations on adopting a new dog! Whether it’s your first dog or your 15th, and whether it’s a tiny puppy or a senior dog, there are some great training tips that will make their adjustment easier. Welcoming a new member of your household is bound to come with some bumps... View Article
Scorpions are scary-looking creatures that can deliver a painful sting if you’re not careful. Many pets are extremely curious and won’t think twice about messing with a scorpion. Even worse, you may not realize your pet has been stung until they start exhibiting symptoms. That’s why it’s important to always... View Article
The longer, sunnier days of summer mean you’ll want to take your pet out more often. However, before visiting your local park or taking a stroll around the neighborhood, it’s important to properly prepare your animal for the summer heat. In extreme temperatures, almost any pet runs the risk of... View Article