A common misconception among pet owners is that insect-borne illnesses are only a concern during the summer. In fact, insects that spread harmful and even deadly diseases are active year-round, especially with Louisiana’s temperate, humid climate. As a premier, trusted animal hospital in Saint Francisville, LA, we see our fair... View Article
All too often, people think that spaying or neutering a pet is just intended to limit the animal from reproducing uncontrollably. However, there are so many other medical and behavioral benefits to having your furry friends spayed or neutered. In fact, most veterinarians consider it a necessary element of pet... View Article
The summer is a great time to get outside and get active with your pets, but the heat and sunshine during the summer can be hard on pets. The good news is that you can keep your pets comfortable and healthy by taking some precautions and being prepared for all... View Article
Dogs and cats are more than just pets, they’re part of the family, and pet owners want the best for their four-legged friends. However, sometimes owners can actually harm their pets even when they try to do what’s best to care for them. Feeding your pets table scraps might seem... View Article
Keeping pets safe and happy is the priority of every single pet owner out there. We always want to make sure our little friends are secure, but unfortunately other animals can actually present a threat to their wellbeing. Our team sees injuries from other animals all the time at our... View Article